Aliexpress discount up to 82%

Aliexpress discount up to 82%

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Get discounts on Aliexpress, the most famous Chinese e-shop, where you can buy goods at a discount directly from foreign traders. The advantage is the low price of products and delivery is usually free. You can further reduce your purchase by discounts or coupons.

Super Deals - discounts up to 82%

Brutal discounts and products for a few crowns

   Valid at least until 23/2/2025

Weekly Deals - discounts up to 70%

Weekly offer with the best discounts!

   Valid at least until 23/2/2025

Electronics - discounts up to 60%

Wide selection of electronics at prices you won't find elsewhere

   Valid at least until 23/2/2025

Clothing - discounts up to 51%

Buy a new dress or a decent T-shirt for a few crowns

   Valid at least until 23/2/2025

Mobile phones - discounts up to 30%

Buy a cheaper phone or accessories

   Valid at least until 23/2/2025

Cosmetics - discounts up to 65%

Nail polishes, Make-up, creams and more

   Valid at least until 23/2/2025

Most popular products

Get inspired by what people buy most. Updated every week!

   Valid at least until 23/2/2025

Laptops cheaper

Buy a new laptop at a great price

   Valid at least until 23/2/2025

Free shipping to your home

Free shipping from most merchants in China

   Valid at least until 23/2/2025

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How to use an Aliexpress discount coupon?

  • First, make sure you have a valid coupon in your account (validity, terms of use)
  • Select the product you want to buy
  • Use a coupon to confirm your order

And you still don't know what to do next? Try this manual on Aliexpress. If you want to use the selected coupons use this manual.

Black Friday

Aliexpress offer lots of discount sales and promotion coupon connected with Black Friday so you can buy your dream goods for amazing prices.

You can get whole range of products during this shopping festival and buy Christmas gifts for your closed once at incredible prices. Buy cloting and shoes, toys for your kids, jewelry, accessories, hair products, motocycle equipment, goods for home and much more.

Do you want to be informed more about various discounts on different products that can be applied during Black Friday? Just go to and check their carousel.

History of AliExpress 

AliExpress is a virtual marketplace operated by Alibaba Group, which connects a particular seller with a buyer. The website was founded in 2010 and today is one of the largest Chinese e-shops.

The very low prices that AliExpress is renowned for are offered by the direct connection of the buyer to the seller and without commission to intermediaries. AliExpress offers a range of goods from clothing, footwear, jewelry and cosmetics to electronics, home furnishings, garden accessories and toys.

      Aliexpress in Europe

      Aliexpress is available in several European countries. For information about Aliexpress vouchers in Czech Republic, continue to Aliexpress operates as well in Slovakia, all the discounts you can find on Aliexpress works also on Hungary market, go to to explore current offers. If you are from Romania, we didn't forget for you - all what you need to know about Aliexpress vouchers, you can find on