Vueling discounts and coupons

Vueling discounts and coupons

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Explore current discounts on Vueling. Vueling is a Spanish airline specializing in low cost flights. Their airlines can be found mainly in the southwestern Europe. Cheap travel will be appreciated by low cost travelers who want to travel while saving their money.

Get 3 Avios for 10€ spent

Just for Vueling Club members

   Valid at least until 13/3/2025


You can also order accommodation at Vueling

   Valid at least until 13/3/2025

Vueling club

Sign up and enjoy more advantages

   Valid at least until 13/3/2025

Vueling Holidays

Book flights and accommodation at the same time

   Valid at least until 13/3/2025

Car rental from 10€

Take advantage of Vueling car rental

   Valid at least until 13/3/2025

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How to use the Vueling discount code?

You enter the discount code after selecting the flight date and type of tickets (Basic, Optimal or TimeFlex) at the very bottom before payment. Enter the code in the "discount code" field.

About Vueling

The company was founded in 2004 and in the following years, Clickair merged into it. The company name comes from the Spanish word "vuelo", which means flight. The Spanish low-cost airline is based in Barcelona and it´s the second largest company.

For example, you can travel to Brussels, Florence, Madrid, Seville, Valencia and more. In March 2017, Vueling flew to 163 destinations. In 2011, the company transported 12.3 million passengers, in 2014 it was 17.2 million. And this indicates Vueling is a carrier providing good quality service which offers the opportunity to save money. Don´t hesitate and buy tickets for your dream vacation.

Special promotions and discount codes 

Isn't our offer good for you? Don't despair! Just subscribe to the newsletter and you can get special discount codes, first minute flight tickets or other benefits. Just open your email couple of times and if you're just lazy, visit our site.

At the same time, you can become a member of Vueling club. The membership offers you interesting discounts or even flights for free.

You can as well use the option "Vueling holidays" and book your flight and accommodation at the same time. Please, see more information on the following link.

There is a strong collaboration and partnership between Vueling and, especially with regards to accommodation. You can see more at Booking or 


Vueling club members can gain lot´s of advantages such as: to collect avios (kind of points for purchase of Vueling services). These avios can be than used to get various discounts on flights booked via Vueling (and operated by Vueling or Iberia airlines) or to get cheaper hotel accommodation or car hire.

Vueling club members can earn 6 Avios for 10€ spent now. Please, see  more information on the following link.

Vueling in Europe

Vueling is available in several European countries. For information about Vueling vouchers in Czech Republic, continue to Vueling operates as well in Slovakia, all the discounts you can find on